Dream Interpret | Dream Interpretation
Dream Dictionary - A to Z

Dreams starting with the letter W

What does it mean when you dream two women fighting over you?

White buckets full of money

Wind storm blow

What does it mean when rocky balboa i my uncle in my dream?

What does it mean when i eat a chicken pastrami sandwich in my dream?

Water running in the shower

What does it mean my ex boy lover gave me paper money in dream?

Water falling from sprinkler, located on light fixture

Wet burrito

Washing dead mothers hair

What does it mean sitting on a first class seat in a bus in a dream?


Washing back of someone

White,rolling water

Walk the line


Walking with cooked pot meat

Washing leeks

Wire stuck in my throat

Wire stuck in my throug

What happens if you see a jin turns into a long meat and kills one of your family member?

What happens if you see jinns?

Woman in a police uniform

What is the meaning of beting bee in dream?

Women sucking other women

Water oozing out of head

Woman with horse

Wearing a watch on wrist

What is the meaning of peeling ripe pawpaw in the dream?

What if we recite shahadah during our death in our dream?

When you watched in dream someone special man in the all world give some date plants from his gardan?

When you watched two horses riding on montana with the safety?

What does it mean when you are given a bitter leaf water to drink?

What does it mean to dream a mad man enter your house?

Walking in the house

What does it mean when you keep on seeing a particular lady in your dream doing tbings together what does it mean?

What is the right shilong teer ticket number for dreaming frogs?

What is the right shilong teer ticket number for dreaming a frogs?

Walking in highway in a dream

What does it mean to see plenty of eggs buried in the ground?

Wearing zion uniform

What does it mean if unmarried lady wearing mangalsutra in her dream?

Woman recieve letter in which her eyes are appreciate

Was deported

When you dream your boyfriend becoming your neighbor?

What does it mean being visited by a man in a dream?

What does it mean when i dream about my crush eating green mulberry?

What does it mean when i dream about green mulberries?

What does it mean to dream that your brother died?

Whats the meaning dreaming pounding sorghum?

What does the number three mean in your dream?

What maning driming about blue and white cloth?

What is the meaning of dreaming a king wearing emajobo?

What does it mean to pluck ukpaka seed in the dream?

What does it mean to dream eating a chapati?

What does it mean when a famous person died in your dream?

What does it mean her your brother give you a paper and iron in the dream and you give them an empty container?

What does it mean when you dream that you are crying praying in front of kaaba?

What does dreaming of stagnant water mean?

Wife telling keep trying

Watch wrist

Washing face with urine

Wife went and came came back mad

Walking through large crowd of people

What does. it. mien. if. .you lost. your. workuniform?

Wife standing on a chair

Writing test

What does it mean to dream heavy rain enters your bed room and it wet the bed?

What does it mean dreaming about ur pastor put a gold ring on ur finger?

Well of white water not pure

White roses falling apart in running water

Writing peetty

What does it mean when you see a flying native american woman with black feather wings?

What does it mean when you see a native american woman with black feather wings?

What does it mean when you see a native american woman with black feather wings flying?

Wearing burga in dream

What does light green candles burning?

Water flowing out of my mouth

Warts face

What does it mean to be tearing an umbrella in the dream?

When you dream your slippers drifting away in the water?

What does it mean when you dream of jelly on your clothes?

Worm food

What does it mean when you dream you partner shaving another woman in your dream?

White chicken cold plucked feathers

Where is dubai

Water flooding the world

Water slide swinging a child

What is the meaning of seeing a peacock feather being burnt and able to take it out partly from fire in dream?

Why was somebody sticking their finger into a girls mouth?

Wearing white uniform/ nurse and white shoes

White worm in teeth

Water being covered by soil

When you dream of garlic?

What does it mean to dream of receiving some card?

Water body with seven steps going down

White worms coming out of my right nostril

When someone tells you they love you in a dream?

Whistle not working

Wearing a black slippers and wearing out

Writing someones name wrong

What does it mean if someone you know give banana and beetle leaves to some other in your dream?

Winning miss farewell sash in my dream

Winning miss farewell crown in the party at school meaning

What it mean to dream see my man lift me up?

Witch is crossing the road and suddenly start flying

Win the miss farewell tag

Wishing someone dead in a dream

What does it mean to see pluto in a dream?

What does it mean if i eat fresh palm fruit in the dream?

Wearing green leggings

Words on a wall

What is the meaning of someone giving me garri in the dream?

Walking through a zoo

What does drowning mea?

What is the meaning of seeing a bread and soft drinks in a dream?

Watching a house falling in the ocean

When you dream and you fighting with your sisters over a food what does it mean?

What if someone called me ugly in my dream?

With husband by the river

What does it mean to plucked kola nut in my dream?

Wearing nysc uniform in dream

Whitening of teeth

Wooden dining room table with brenjal in a pot

Wslking with a beautiful girl i havent seen before

Wslking with a beautiful gorl i havent seen before

Wings flapping

What does it mean to dream about raw pap?

What does it mean when you dream you fall asleep in church bathroom?

What is the meaning of giving offering with shiney sliver coin the church in dream?

What does it mean to dream about poo with blood?

Writing gibberish on a phone


Walking in the market without shoe

When you eat green cucumber in a dream?

What means dreaming buying air ticket flying?

What about dreaming of an eclipse?

Washing clothes with a dead mother

Wishing your an actor

What does it mean for someone to snap in dream?

What does it mean when you dream of washing head under a tap water?

Wild beast

What is the meaning of inheriting big land in dream?

Watching inside frogs mouth

White walls written in black

What does it mean to dream of red,white and black snake?

When you dreamt seeing the center of your hair being shaved?

What does it mean to romance my girlfriend in my dream?

What does it mean when u buy chin chin in the dream?

Wearing lemon color dress in dream

Washing the face with tap water in the dream

What this it means dreaming about a monster hiding in your room?

Wife dancing door

What does it mean to dream about eating on the same table with the prophet?

What does it mean when someone wants to take your wedding dress and exchange with theirs?

What does it mean to see your step mother two times in the dream?

White rope around neck from ghost

Washing pulpit in a dream

What does it mean to dream of deceased relatives?

What if we see mujawar in dream?

What if we see mujawara?

What does it mean when i eat big water ball in my dream?

Whispers when sleeping

When you see an eagle flying above you then land in front of you?

White man applying powder from pavement or floor

White man putting white powder on his face from the pavement

With ugly woman

What does it mean to be dragged into a hole?

What does it mean playing football with an old friend in dream?

Winnie the boo

Water reservoir

Wife in handcuffs

Woman with a lion face

Watching and seeing my father pee

Woke up cause could smell burning

Wicker house

What does it mean when you dream about being ambush shot but survive?

Weird man

White car dream

White bed sheets in a forest

With dirty clothes

When the check oil light comes on in my car?

Wife has affairs

Worm coming out nose

When someone give you something to drink?

What did muhammad ali dream about?

Wearing lots of clothes

Wall separation

Wall dark attic

Wall separating from ceilings attic

Walking with a bloody face

Woman without legs trying to get in

Worrying if a killed wolf can be eaten

Worrying if a killed will can be eaten

While cat

We were in water and my mother died leaving me with my dad and him and i left our house while freaking to go get drinks

What is the meaning of uncrack palm kanbel?

Without box that

With bf

Without box and

What does it mean to pick coconut in the dream?

Working at a previous employer

What does it mean to defend a dead mother in the dream?

Wring train stop

Wrapping self red blanket

What does it mean to put salt under ur door in ur dream?

White horse green field

Working at a high school you attended

Working at a school you attended

White color fish in the small river

What does it mean to see myself cooking turtle meat in a dream?

What does it mean when you dream like you bought an ambrella?

Windows monsters

Wearing tight red dress

What does it mean when somebody gives you mineral drink that is half in the dream?

Wearing a bow tie

Wake up six:00am

Wake up six:zero zero

White discharge from mouth

Wife getting married again

Word repent

When u see a pit dog in your dream?

What the of washing you and your xe clothes?

Wearing big slipper and then throw out in dream

West africa

Wearing tradition clothing

Wearing navy mourning clothes

When dead person give you sugar cane in dream?

Woman hunting my dad

What does it mean when you see someone killing a cow in a dream?

Wen u see prekese in a dream

Walk in so much flood

With someone else

Wounded cheetah

What does it mean when two cowa are fighting each other in dreams?

When your eyes has become big?

What does it mean to dream about your niece being raped?

Wearing green clothes

Washing another person period stain from there clothes

Water drain

Waakye symbol

With red dress

What does it mean when you dream about yourself being a dead person laying in a coffin?

Wearing and red

What does it mean for a woman to receive plantain from a man?

What does it mean for a man to give woman plantain in the dream?

What does it mean dreaming of a car driven by a white man you were supposed to take to enter but ended up not going?

What does it mean to pick udara in dream?

What it means running from a big cow?

What is the meaning of melancholy?

What if you dream yourself in another country?

Women shoot me with firearm

Why do i keep dreaming about baby animals?

Wife jump into well

Working same job with my brother

Watching deployment

What does plantain falling mean?

When mother gives bath to grown up daughter?

Water , gold bangle and earrings and amethyst bracelet

Water , gold bangle and eings

Wearing a skirt

Wearing a purple dress

Walking into a white room

Water from pipe

What does it mean if i see big fish in snow on a mountin?

What does it mean to dream of isithwalo senyoka?

What does it mean when your dad who passed away , visits you in a dream and his head is down and he was just shaking his head and he walked out the room?

Waking up married to a man

Wearing a tight collar

Worms and snakes

Women in a men bathroom

White dresss buy

What it means to dream of someone asking you fo an ironing board too iron?

Wash hand

With mother and wake up with erected cock and cum everywhere

What does it mean when you dream when preparing mukimo?

Worms coming out of my knees

What does it mean to eat palm fruits in the dream?

War tank

What does it mean to see thunder that kills women in a dream?

What does it mean to see a strong thunder in a dream?

With man i like

Wearing a night gown to church

What does it mean when you see yourself tattooing your sister on forehead?

Wht do u mean if i dream my uncle beat me

Wearing blue suit and showing up late

Wooden mask

When u see a white pigeon feather in a dream?

What does it mean to dream about a camera being in your room ?

When your math teacher gives you detention in a blaze of fire?

What is the meaning of faeces in a dream?

What is the meaning of somebody coming out of faeces?

What does a funeral and red roses mean a dream?

What is the meaning of excrement?

What is the meaning of faeces?

When u see a white bird trying to escape from ugly bird in a dream?

White moth

Why did my crush say i look like a monkey?

Why did my crush call me ugly?

What does it mean to dream about making palm oil?

White trinket box

White branches

White pine

What does it mean to dream seeing car accident?

What if you dream persons that cover their head with white sheets?

What does it mean in islam to see a white horse in dream?

Wrecked ship husband dead child

What does it mean to see wallgecko in your mouth in deeam?

Windows in car fogged over

What does it mean to dream about cutlass?

What does it mean to see my self in a compound filled with people a dream?

What does it mean to be prayed for in a dream?

Walking barefoot on top of bottles

Wall that is damp

What does in mean when you dream of a man inside the pool or ocean?

White sheeps and brown cows without head

Wearing an ivory gown

When a ghost fall in love with you?

Woman asking for food

What is the meaning of eating roasted yam in the dream?

When you dream about dead person given u gari?

With self

What is the meaning of dreaming a mortar and a pestles?

Wearing jalabiya

What does it mean to see pounding cooked palm fruits in the dream over riped one?

When one dreams of asking for forgiveness when you see god?

When l dream empty hangers what does it mean?

When someone spit on ur ear?

What does it mean when your wife sees your spirit when you are asleep?

White moimoi

Water on pavement floor outside big closed warehouse door

Water at the back of warehouse door and forklift almost dropped me in it

What does it means dreaming consulting a sangoma?

Waiting to give birth and number six zero six

What does it mean to dream eating carrots?

What does it mean when a white man gives you a liter of palm oil?

Wearing a dhoti

What does it mean to dream of black sheep and goats?

What does bailing mold water mean in the dream?

What it means if you see a snake and bear in dream?

With my crush at his home

When someone is printing my hair that does it mean in a dream?

White horse injured by a bull

Walking in the wall

Warning siren

Wearing outfit with my wife dream

What does it mean to dream about seeing cattle in the field ⁸?

What does it mean to dream about seeing dry maize on the field?

What does it means when i dream about my bf being shy around me and giving me a gift?

What happens if i saw a man who eats human flesh in a dream.?

Wearing a red skirt and white blouse

Washknv my body lower body emerged in water and people watching me

Wearing white muffler

What does it mean if you dream you was acting in a movie with a celebrity?

What does it mean if you dream you shot a movie with a celebrity?

When your just about to die?

Weant somewhere and see poop

What number is panty?

When you are shot in the dream spiritual meaning?

Walking in muddy road

Watching pythons

Walking on foor

What is the meaning of seeing someone wearing traditional makoto attire in my dream what does it mean spiritually?

Weak feeling

What does it mean to dream someone washing your fit with meal meal?

What does two men mean?

Washing flower

Walking home alone

What is the meaning and interpretation of the rice planting by fernando amorsolo?

When you carrying a plank in the dream?

Woman doing sacrifice in a dream

What the meaning of dreaming black and white cows in a line?

What does it mean to be gifted a peg by a child in a dream?

Writing application letter for a job in a dream meaning

With brother in law

Writting application letter in a dream

Water level rising

Water raising

What does it mean see your pastor give you food items in a dream?

White on top of a burning building

What does it mean to dream a black snake opening its mouth?

Waving goodbye

What does it mean to eat fried chips in a dream?

Woman recover stolen items from thief in market in your dream

What does it mean when you dream about a dead person sending a message?

Women clearing forests

When passing ball all the time?

When u communicate with ur dead father in dream?

When u communicate with ur dead father?

Walking on flower in graveyard

What does it means to see a room filled with sand and your remove two dried fish from it?

What does it means to see a room filled with sand and your remove two fish from it?

Writing on ceiling

What does it mean to dream dream of uziza leaf?

White cock and two beautiful cock in dreem

White cock and red two beautiful cock in dreem

When someone is putting umuthi?

Water melon seed

What is the meaning of dreaming worms coming out on nose?

Working at a restaurant

Why i do dream like my dog tongue cut off and. falling out?

What does it mean to dream someone giving you silver bolts and nuts?

What does it mean to dream that one of our slippers is torn and you give it to a cobbler to repair and he gives you a brand new slipper but to gave it back to him that he should repair you the old slipper?

What does it mean when you dream your little sister falling into the river?

What happened to vampire bite me my dream?

World ending engulfed in flames

What does it means to see rapture?

What does it mean when you saw a boy name taurus in your dream?

What does it mean when you saw a boy name taurus in. my dream?

Wood beam

Waiting for a dead mans body to arrive in the plane

Weeping infront of god

What does it mean when your boyfriend drinks the rest of your juice?

White wool rope meaning

What does it mean in a dream to see a bird flying to me?

What does it mean by carrying water from a stream in a dream?

Women headgear

Women turbans different colours

What does it mean when you carry two passages in motorcycle?

Wolves attack

When you dream a snake bite your children father?

With father

Water from leg

Wolves attacking sheep

What do it mean to stain your with then go under tap to wash it?

What does it mean when you dream a three bed room. two story house?

Water i overflowing from machine to walls of yhe house

What is husk in dream?

Wearing korean priestess clothes

Walking in a muddy field

Wearing helmet in dream

What does it mean when you cut a chunk out of your own hair.?

What does it mean when you dream about yourself given sunglasses?

What does it mean when you dream about yourself climbing stairs?

Work wife

Wooden pegs falling

Woman with dogs body

What does it mean when i see that i can control water?

When someone pours urine on you?

Women driving bus

When you dream where you gave a prophet a black stone?

When you give a prophet black stone in the dream what does it mean?

With dead friends husband

Weaning some months old baby in the office

Washing bed sheets

White dress chinese girl

Wife swallow sperm

White bright face with brown lining

White face with brown overall linings

White and gold hand grenade

What is the dream interpretation of seeing a skink?

What does it mean seeing your boss sweeping in her room?

Worm in bread

Walking narrow high plank

Walking narrow path

When at school?

What does that mean dreaming that you are healed?

What does that mean dreaming that some one is gevng you money?

Washing in bucket

What does that mean dreaming were you came from?

What is the meaning of dreaming were you from?

What is the meaning of dreaming were you co?

Washing towel

What does it mean if you dream of three wrist watches two is false and one is real?

Wearing a white an pink suit

What does it mean to dreame of budgies?

What does it mean to dream about locusts?

What does it mean when you dream that you are cooking at work place?

What does it mean when you dream about dry fish?

Wearing a religious scapular in a dream

Walking with grandmother

Washing a big cao

Wild cock

With my wife

Wolf pulling the back of my hair and sniffing my ear in play

What is a dream of annabelle?

White candle wax

Watch someone fall from a plane and died

What if we dream about carrying father?

Water turn to blood sink

Writing my own name in red

When they pour on you a mixture of cooked rice and water on you?

Wounded on left arm

Wearing a maroon garment

Wife eats all food

White spider coming out of mouth

What does it mean when a big truck blocks my car door?

What does it mean use machete a to catch a huge fish in the dream?

With noble people

Walking in a city without sleeper

Wife dream a priest

White cardigan

Wife dream about priest

Work evaluation

Wolf dying

Walking in cold rain

White oranges on trees with white fungus

White oranges on trees

Watering cat

When someone dreams writing on your clothes with the mark what does it mean?

What does hidding mean in a dream?

What does hidding mean?

What does hidding from someone mean?

What does a maze of stairs mean in your dream?

Winning the election

Working in a school

Whilst dreaming

Whales with two smotach

Wearing a purple dress a dream means

Wood coming out of your foot

What does maggots in rice mean?

Wearing a white and a pink dress in a dream means

What does it mean to dream of rice and maggots?

What does it mean to dream with rice and maggots?

What does it mean when a person is wearing a pink and a white dress in a dream?

Wearing a xhosa makoti attire

Wardrobe full of mens suits

What does it mean when you dream of yourself being a netball umpire?

Watching someone fly

Wenza umhlonyane

Why am i dreaming someone is putting my head in box with three big locks?

Why am i dreaming someone locking my head in a box?

Why am i dreaming about a three partition box with three locks , hands and head?

Wife was mother

When ur given large amount of money to take care of ur child?

Washing your face with rain water using white bucket


Wearing dirty shirt which is not mine

What does eating bush meat signify?

Wearing coat

Washing someone sheet

What happens in a dream if you see the smell of cloth of death body?

What does it mean when someone gave you nzu in a dream?

What does it mean when someone give you one zero zero naira in a dream?

When your best friend is arrested by the police?

What does it mean you i am bathing and two guy where watching?

Wolves attacking a sheep

Walking with the king

What is the meaning of seeing mango tree with fruit in a dream?

What is the meaning of bathing outside in a dream?

Wasp hive

Woman and then man death

What does dreaming about hiv aids mean?

Woman without headscarf

Wings with gold tips

Woman this woman leader in conflict with another civilization

Woman later in conflict with other civilization

Wrists being tied with cloth

What does it mean for a pregnant woman to eat in her dream?

Walking in street with oil

What does seeing yourself pregnant and your mom is asking you to abort?

When you fly and get hit by a plane?

When you fly?

When you fly and are the opisit gender?

When a goblin attacks you?

Water ,boyfriend and bush

Water coming out of light socket in lamp

What does it mean when you dream dumped rabbich away?

Wife becomes vice president of their land and people are happy

Wife becomes a vice president and she has a special seat next to the president while husband and children seat on a different place

White ceramic bowl

White flying horse

White flowers growing out of leg

What does a melted hand mean?

Wearing dirty white pants

What does it mean for me to massage my belly in the dream?

What is the meaning peeling cassava in a dream?

Worry flying too high

Water vines

Water lotus

White lightning

Wild cat in yard

What is the meaning of number seven one?

What is the real dream of buying snails from a dead woman married in my village?

What is the story about lost socks?

Walking from city to another city

Washing pepper and tomatoes in dream

What does it symbolize when a person wear a green fabric?

What does it mean when you dream of a fabric with a shape of a mark in dreams?

Waking up at three.33am

What does it mean when you dream of eating black honey?

What does it mean when you dream of eating honey?

Witch bookshop

Why was my boyfriend constantly asking me for palm oil in my dream?

Women show a vigina

White sheets on floor painted purple

What is the meaning of two man sleeping in abat?

What it means to kill flys in dream?

What does fly stand for in dreams?

What does it mean when someone throw bottle at you in a dream?

What is the meaning of shrimp in the dream?

What is that mean when your hair turned gold?

What it means when you dream about burning qurans?

When you see your self in a dream driving?

What is the meaning of a man sucks your in a dream?

Wine glass breaking

Wounds with pus

Watering sweet potatoes with hospipe

Was preparing to cook fufu in the dram

Washing your face with clean sea water.

Witch doctor in my house

Witch doctor entering my house without permission

Women dead dream number

What does it to dream about weeding banana plantation in the village?

Wife getting a tattoo in my dream

When you dream of pumpkin at riverside meaning?

Woman kiss your tongue

When someone you loved died and comes wearing a orange top and black pants what does it mean?

Wife giving birth to twin happy boys in the presents of mother in law and husbund

Wife dreaming of husband getting second wife

Wife giving birth to twin boys in the presents of mother in law and husbund

What is the dream number of bag?

Walking towards each other

When your being told to were a leopard skin?

What number if dream a rastaman?

White dead moving sheep

Wearing red slippers

While walking i saw three eggs

White and black hearse

What it means dream seeing former president?

Women dressed in black causes crash on a roundabout

Whatching yourself sleep?

What is the meaning of red and green color in dream?

What is the meaning of later a in dream?

What does it mean if you helping a blind man in dreams?

Wat is the meaning of removing ur slippers off ur leg in d dream

When someone steals a perfume from you?

What does herbal water in a dream mean?

What does it means when a person give me a slice of pawpaw?

What does ice fish represent in dream?

Wanting attention from your gf

Warty skin

Work colleague garden centre

Wanting attention from my partner but she plays with a child

Walking on lava without burning

Wearing a prefect uniform

Wearing a perfect uniform

What does it mean to dream of a light brown horse w?

What does it mean for a widow woman to give birth to a child in the dream?

Walking on food means

Watching relatives shoot each other

Woman seated on cultivated land

Walking on a wall

Woman marrying a woman

What does it means if someone return a mat to someone?

Wet sweater

Woman sitting on my tummy

With cape

Wet cover up

What does it mean to receive advice and motivation from a familiar person in the dream?


What does it mean to dream of three chameleons nd the third one clings to u but u manage to get it off u?

What does it mean to dream of three chameleons nd the third one lings to u?

White devil

Why people eat in the dream?

Witch poison nephew and kill him

Wife fighting with her friend

What does it mean when you get a chair thrown at your head in your dreams?

What it mean when you see a deceased person consuming alcohol?

Wood vase

Why did i dream i was in a ?

Wooden rod

What is the meaning of seeing broken eggs while you are picking in a dream?

Weed and smoke

What is the meaning of seeing someone stealing eggs while you are also picking?

Water coming out of head

What does it mean excaping a snake bite in my dreams?

What does it mean when i escape a snake bite?

Wife stabbing heart

Watching someone else eat

Water rising up and turn black and falling with clean water

What does it mean when waves are hitting into the house?

Winning a debate

Window painted black

What mean when you dream the illuminati send you the illuminati membership and certificate?

What mean when you dream the illuminati send you money?

When my house is full of bunches of matooke and fresh beans?

What does it mean when you get delivered in your dream?

What does it mean when you get delivered in your dream?

When a man of god hold your hand in a dream?

Widow wears gold

What does it mean to dream that you bleed through eyes and red eyes?

What does it mean dreaming given a shirt by your ex to wash for him?

When buying second hand cloth in the dream what does it mean?

Water gushing from a tap

What is the meaning of the dream of travelling by water with your mum?

When you are shocked by electric in the dream it means what?

With dead ex

Women killing snake

Walking down the hallway in white with veils

Woman in white dresses with hoods covering their faces

Witnessing a marriage of husband and sisterinlaw

What is the meaning of a dead parson working i dream?

Woman seing elephant in a dream.

When you dream your boyfriend is living in poverty?

What does it mean if someone give you sweet in the dream?

What does tomtom mean in a dream?

Washing raw meat in islam

What does it mean when i do kamate haka in my dreams?

What does it mean when you dream seeing a sangoma?

What does it mean when you dream about sangoma?

What does it mean when you dream seeing a traditional healer?

Wear a chest binder

Washing window

When you are given a black beautiful dressin the dream?

Why did i dream about my friend felling in love with my classmate?

When people collect snails from you?


Wearing dead persons clothes seen in a dream.

What does it mean when you dream eating in a dustbin?

When you dream your boyfriend took you to his house?

When your ex gives you his last money?

Wet soggy stairs

Water eagles snakes

What does it mean in my dream i wear a lot of short skirts?

Water in the purse

What is the meaning of dreaming my son having a black face?

W bangles

Wearing new one single shoes

What does mean a friend showing you he has bought a new car?

Watching myself sleep

When a mad man is playing with in the dream?

What does it mean to dream a cow eating my dress?

Writing a letter for lawyer

What happen if u see blue sapphire stone broken in dream?

What is the shillong teer number if dead man show and chating with him?

While pregnant you dream about paul

When you can not carry any firewood in the dream?

When someone had a dream about your mother driving a vehicle?

What does it mean to eat bread and egg in a dream?

What does it mean when someone else ate the meal you made?

Watch office building collapse

Walking in the main road

What does it mean for strangers to eat your food?

What does it mean to cook in a dream?

When i see someone in dream wearing my clothes?

Walking in the river in water and stone on soft stones

What does nzu mean in the dream?

Washing dishes boyfriend

Wrist watch strap in dreams twice meaning

Wedding , indians, gangsters, iding , forbidden love

When you dream of pot of eggs in oven?

What does it means to be washing clothes and then find a lot of periwinkle inside the water?

When my pastor gives me an empty medium gallon and i collect it?

Witch blue eyes

Washing jerry can

Wearing black abaya

Winning a millions

What does it mean if you dream about someone with bruises on their cheeks and neck?

Water ice cold

Without a shirt or bra

Water inside the room of the deceased

When seeing animal in my food?

What does it mean when i wash my money washing money?

What does it mean when i wash my money?

What does a physical boil signify?

What does it means to dig out cowries from the dream?

Wall door

What if drumstick branch falls down in dream?

With boyfrien

When a friend runs mad?

What does it mean seeing a president in ones dream?

Wearing shoe without shoelaces

Watching dancing in street

Wall covered with bugs

Wake up in another dream

Wake up in my bed dream

Waking up in another dream and talking to another person about it

What is the meaning if you dream about zombies?

Wearing senior sisters cloth

What is the meaning if you dream about zimbie?

What is the meaning of eing in a haunted mansion and being chased by ghosts?

Withdrawing money from a pos in the dream

What does it mean to dream about a brother to my boyfriend but i and my boyfriend are currently have misunderstanding?

What does it mean to kiss a demon?

Wearing a gown with writing

Water in handbag

Water splash on bedsheet

What does it mean when you dream of a monitor lizard being chased?

Walking in dirty flood waters

Wearing two shirt

What those it mean to dream of colourful hibiscus flowers?

Wood fence

Women with beard and mustache

Washing my virgina with pink water

White salamander with black dots

What does it mean fighting dangerous creatures and killing them?

What does dusting symbolize?

Watched tower fall

What does rubbing white powder ones chick both right and left in the dream mean?

Wearing black doek

Wearing black doek and ring

Watching someone get choked

Witness to fight

Witness of fight

Wanting same beautiful lady with brother

White cat brown spot

Wz ur best friend in a room wz alot ov darkness

What dream about pine?

What does it mean when you dream about a group of boys?

Woman hurting man

What does it mean when you dream your boyfriend playing with your cousin sister at your place?

Wearing blue dress with other women in a dream

Whats the meaning of boiling water and big fire in a dream?

What does it mean to see ur self working with a big prophet in your dream?

What do it mean when you dream of a train crashing then hitting a child?

What does it mean by my boy friend to give me corn in the dream?

What does it mean by my boy friend?

What does it mean seeing yourself eating fried plantain chips in your dream?

What does it mean to see a mad person in my dream?

What does it mean when you are buying fruit with a loved one in a mall in a dream?

Why is my boy friend buying clothes for me in the dream?

Wife dreams husband marrys man

Women wearing black burqa

What means to dream car?

What does it means to dream that you have the same haircut as your father?

Walking a unfamiliar street happily

Washed away in a car and rescued

Whatdoes the dream of onions mean?

Wall skating repair

Without visa

When a child cries to you in a dream and you carry the child?

Washing of clothes and hanging it to dry what does it mean

White blazer

Went to the market to price something

When you see urself climbing a step ,n finding it difficult ,?

What is it to dream about your boyfriend fighting a guy that used to like you?

Wool sweater white with blue

White sweater with blue

When you see animals caged and you forgot to feed them for a couple days?

Woman wearing crown

What does it mean when you dream of ur picture?

What does it mean of dreaming my brother stole my check?

Worth billions of dollars in dream

What does it mean when someone gives you lots of money?

What does it mean to dream eating in the toilet?

What does it mean if you dream about a lamprey fish?

White ox chasing me

Wife driving car

What does it mean have dream of demon disgusted as person?

What is meaning of your exam script been seized in the dream?

What does it mean my ex boyfriend is blackmailing me in dream?

What does it mean when you dream of greeting your boyfriend mother?

Woman in a red dress

Witch rescuing me

What could it indicate when dreaming a snake sucking my ?

Witnessing several kidnaps

White leadtree

What it mean to dream of my sister in law kissing me?

When i sleep see x girlfriend on my dream?

Washing of hands and mouth

What is the meaning of sweeping the dream and cleaning everywhere?

White ars with golden embroidery and a bee leading

Watching playing card

What is the spiritual meaning of a pregnant woman receiving chick in the dream?

What is the spiritual meaning of been given a chick in the dream?

Why am i dreaming about tokoloshe?

What does it mean to see two snakes kissing in your dream?

Watching glass doors shatter

Watching glass shatter

What happens if you see a tunel in your dream and a white light?

What does it mean when you see a black and golden pen?

What does it mean when two of your your friends helping you to climb an steps?

Waterhole in road

Woman with bright festival colors

When you dream about your sister in law not believing in you while everyone else in the family does believe in you?

Wearing blue nail polish

Washing blanket in a dream means what

Water in car

When you dream about your picture at a grave site?

What does it mean when feeding a mad person?

When you dream of someone congratulating me?

What does it mean to pick ripe udara under its tree?

Walking into the sea and it dries up

Worms coming out on feet

Why was i dreaming about it the clown?

Walking in mud with a friend

Walking in mud then later its washed clean

Walking with my dog

What does it mean for a girl brest to be sucked in the dream?

What is muhammad ali dream of?

Working in a constraction site

What does it mean to dream your husband bathing with another woman?

What does it means to dream of snakes with lines?

Washing a wool in dream

Washing wool

What does it means that my teacher is my mom?

Wife in crib

White worms coming from the scalp

When you eat cat flesh in a dream what does it mean?

While in a party in a dream.you eat cat flesh whathe does it mean?give clear answers

White alligator in the snow

What is the meaning of a whirlpool?

Wearing blue and red

What does it mean when a man hand you seven pieces of silver and call you an angel in the dream?

White porcelain doll floating

Washed potatoes

Wedding vows and money

White anut

When someone gives you cane root in yr dreams?

Washing a carpet

What does it mean seeing your mom blessing you doing dream?

Washed away in dirty muddy flood water b

Which craft performance

Waking up in my room with one three airpods hidden everywhere and i found them all then i teleported to prom then i teleported to work and found more airpods then went back to prom and gave them to my friend albert

What it means someone hits you with a hammer?

Walking in company

Water faucet damage

What that mean color yellow in dream?

With a girl

Walking in a bush

Walking through an open gate and encountering animals

What does it mean to dream a child falling in the latrine?

What is the meaning of my bike getting burnt in the dream?

When you are working about in the dream?

Was given corn melie meal in my dream

Was given meali meal in my dream

Woman while raining

What do it mean of a owl pooping on ur finger?

What does it mean to dream albino?

What does it mean for someone to cut cassaver leaf in a dream?

Was enchanted

Water carrying away your clothes in a dream

What number is preparing mqombothi?

When you have a dream escorting your friend to the airport to take flight what does it mean?

What does it mean for fish to escape in the dream?

What does it mean to desvegir a lady in my dream?

Walking down a beautiful hill

Workplace is haunted

What does it mean when you dream of black spots on wall and carpet in a room?

What does it mean eating gari with palm oil in a dream?

What does rubbing cream in the dream means?

What does it mean to dream about leave paid out on ur payslip?

Witch with two different eye colour one was white

With alcoholic

What does it mean when i dream talking with my co wife?

Wood cuter misen teer meaning

What does it mean when your dream have a talk with another wife of your husband?

White rabit

Wretched man in my dream

What does it mean when you dream your ex wife sister taking a video of you?

What does it mean to dream of your ex wife laughing at you?

When you tell her you love her and she loves you too?

What is the meaning of someone someone throw up on you small dead chameleon?

What does it mean to see a strange dead woman sitted holding a baby behind my house?

What does it mean when you dream of your brother giving you fruits?

Water leaf

What is the dream number of bringal.?

Why did i saw searching bangles in dream while crying?

What does it mean in.dream.when.walk.in slope?

When you dreamt about trapped horse?

When night dancers want to kill you?

When you dream your boy friend shave his hair with the razor?

What does it mean to dream a male private part?

Winning a trial in kob

What is it called when you hear kur paer?

What if i see two geckos together in my dream?

White stone in s

Wife prostiute

What it means when you dream small kid urinating on you?

Watching peacocks swimming

Whistling sound in dream

Waist pain

Wall crack after earthquake

Walking through cemetery

Wife shaving husbands hair

What dream about a suit from a friend means?

What happened if i see cow swiming?

What happened if we see big crocodile in our dream?

What happened if i see half cut animal but still alive?

White candle in the dream

Walking in a churchyard?

What does it mean to receive a white handkerchief,salt and white candle in the dream?

What is the meaning of fighting with demons in a dream?

White black shame

What is the meaning of fighting demons?

Wolf statue

Women in fire

Women trap in fire

Worms and feces in dreams

What does it mean when i dream about getting revenge for a dead love one?

Walking through big clean waves and octopus eating a fish

Water cask

What does climbing high staircase or a hill in a dream mean?

What does climbing the high ladder in a dream means,?

With deceasedwife

White lady inside the sea

What does passing by the river or standing by the river in a dream means?

Worms coming from the vigina

What is meaning of dreaming about green maggots?

What is the meaning of a black crucifix?

When you see yourself carrying water in a green bucket?

Working in the farm

What does it mean when you dream of sri lanka?

What does it mean when you dream with a back yard?

What does it mean if someone steals your mug cup in a dream?

World on fire

Was of money

What does dust bin mean?

Walking on water without sinking